In September 2017, more than a year ago, hurricanes Irma and María devastated Puerto Rico, collapsing the island’s energy grid with a sad number of over 4650 deaths. The entire resident population, regardless of their economic situation, was affected by the worst natural disaster in the region, and a major humanitarian crisis.
Hurricane is a word of an indigenous language of Puerto Rico: the Taíno. And possibly that’s why its population has developed resilience facing calamities.
Right after Hurricane Maria, a group of professionals closely linked to the island created Resilient Power Puerto Rico, with the immediate goal of bringing power to the most affected communities through the deployment of solar energy and storage systems.
These systems based on renewable energies, similar to the solutions offered by ENEA Grupo®, have guaranteed continuity in the provision of vital community services related to health, education, food, housing and emergency management.
Moreover, they demonstrate that in crises there are opportunities to transform our way of designing and organizing society. Changing to a sustainable model is not only possible, but inevitable.
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